Maintaining Original Ideals

The Workers’ Party of Korea, founded on October 10, 1945, is a Juche-oriented, revolutionary party which has remained faithful to its ideals in the early period of its founding and its revolutionary nature decade after decade and century after century.

First of all, it holds fast to and adds brilliance to its revolutionary line of independence.

Having adopted independence as the lifeline of the Korean revolution and the cornerstone of state building in the initial days of its founding, it has addressed all problems arising in the revolution and construction from the Juche-oriented stand and on the principle of national independence. It has flatly rejected the arbitrary pressure and high-handed practices by outside forces to threaten the nation’s rights to independence, existence and development and tarnish its prestige. In this way it has advanced the revolution and construction in the Korean style and on the strength of the Korean people.

The backbone and lifeline of the independent national economy has been defended and strong potentials and foundations for restructuring and developing the overall economy built up. Boosting the most powerful defence capabilities of the nation and developing them to be more invincible has been promoted as the most pressing task for defending the supreme interests and security of the nation. Momentous events have taken place one after another. All the credit for this goes to the energetic leadership of the WPK which has consistently pursued the revolutionary line of independence.

The WPK keeps to its noble ideals and nature as a genuine party for the people which takes responsible care of their destiny.

Since its birth it has made clear its mission as an organization which was formed for the people and works for their good. As it has applied in its building and activities the principle that the masses of the people are the masters of the revolution and construction and they are also the motive force of the revolution and construction, it has established a climate of serving them unconditionally across the Party.

It has made sure that the top and absolute priority be given to the people’s opinions, demands, interests and convenience in working out and implementing its policies. Under its leadership officials come closer to the people particularly in hard times. This has become the mainstream in the Party. According to its plans to provide the people with a stable and cultured life monumental structures have sprung up in different parts of the country.

The true nature of the Party finds its conspicuous expression in the fact that it leads the Korean revolution along the road of socialism.

After advancing policies towards socialism in the first days of its founding, the WPK has proficiently led the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution and socialist revolution and construction, bringing about a lot of changes.

As the Party steadily adhered to the banner of socialism, the DPRK could make amazing achievements in the face of worldwide political upheavals and unprecedented trials.

Today the dignity of the WPK is demonstrated at the highest level as it is led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un at the helm.

He has ensured that the ideals of the WPK at its birth are consistently maintained in all its activities and work. This has helped develop the WPK into a party which has struck its roots deep in the minds of the people and formed a harmonious whole with them, and into the longest-ruling socialist party and a Juche-oriented, revolutionary party which solves all problems in accordance with the aspirations and demands of the people and the specific conditions of the country.

Seeing the WPK steadily leading the cause of independence for the masses of the people without the slightest mistakes, setbacks and deviations, the Korean people are convinced that their country will grow more powerful and prosperous and they will lead a happier life without anything to envy.


The content of this article does not represent the opinions and perspectives of Addis Walta.