Terrorist Group Diverts Humanitarian Aid to Feed Combatants – IDPs

Addis Ababa, April 27, 2022 (Walta) – The terrorist TPLF has been diverting the humanitarian aid…

U.S. Expresses Grave Concern about Atrocities Committed by Terrorist TPLF in Amhara Region

Addis Ababa, February 23, 2022 (Walta) – The U.S. Department of State said on Tuesday that…

Tigray Rebels Gang-Raped Women, Girls in Ethiopia – Amnesty

Addis Ababa, February 16, 2022 (Walta) – Tigrayan fighters deliberately killed civilians and gang-raped dozens of…

Displaced People Call on Government to Respond to Terrorist TPLF Attack

Addis Ababa, February 13, 2022 (Walta) – Displaced people announced that the terrorist TPLF has intensified…

Efforts Underway to Mobilize Resources, Rehabilitate People Affected by Terrorist TPLF

Addis Ababa January 31, 2022 (Walta) – Ministry of Women and Social Affairs disclosed that a…

TPLF Leaders Starving People in Pursuit of Perilous Political Game

Addis Ababa, January 25, 2022 (Walta) – The Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations…