Undue Pressure on Poor Countries Inhuman, Imperialistic- Former US Defense Dep’t Member

Addis Ababa, September 20, 2021 (Walta) – Undue pressure on poor countries through the use of sanction, propaganda or intimidation for interest is inhuman and imperialistic, according to Cyber Security Specialist and Former Member of the US Department of Defense.

Following the recent misguided move of the U.S on Ethiopia, Oliver Thomas said undue pressure on poor countries through the use of sanction, propaganda or intimidation for interest is inhuman and imperialistic.

“If we truly believe in democracy and that it is right for people to rule themselves, it would be hypocritical for us to try to control other people,” he pointed out.

Oliver Thomas is known for his criticism against some members of the international community including the government of America on their unfair attempts to pressurize Ethiopia.