Zambia Jails 22 Chinese Nationals for Cybercrime

Addis Ababa, June 8, 2024 (Addis Walta) Zambian jailed 22 Chinese nationals yesterday over cybercrime.

The court in Zambian capital, Lusaka, sentenced them for 7 to 11 years in jail for internet fraud and online scams targeting Zambians and people from Singapore, Peru and UAE.

In addition, they were fined between 1,500 to 3,000 USD after they pleaded guilty to charges of computer-related misrepresentation, identity fraud and illegally operating a network or service, according to Africanews report.

A Cameroonian man is also sent to jail by the court for similar crime.

Last April, 77 people, most of them were Zambian citizens, were arrested by police over “sophisticated internet fraud syndicate”.

Zambian authorities managed to recover over 13,000 local and foreign mobile phone SIM cards, two firearms and 78 rounds of ammunition during the raid.