Small-scale Irrigation in Amhara abates drought effects

The Amhara Regional State Communication Affairs Office has indicated that small scale irrigations constructed in some areas of the region, specificially Waghimra  and South Wollo  zones,  are helping the farmers to withstand effects of the el-Niño induced drought.

Though the drought has been very challenging, the government’s timely and adequate response mechanism has effectively prevented it from causing severe damage on people and animal lives.

Wide ranging efforts have been made to address the water shortage that happens during the winter or dry season, the office noted.

The scheme has helped the lives of more than 35 thousand farmers and 180 animals dwelling in water shortage areas.

In South Wollo zone also the small and medium scale irrigations and other natural resource conservation works are helping farmers minimize effects of the drought and boost their production from time to time.

Construction of small scale irrigation schemes and natural resource conservation is part of the government’s plan to abate the malice of drought in sustainable manner in the long run.