More than 29,000 sites ready for the 4th population census in SNNP

The Hawassa Branch office of Central Statistical Agency said than more than 29 thousand sites are made ready for the 4th national population census to be kicked off in coming February.

Office head, Birhan Hailu, said that the sites are made fully ready and the office has been working in close collaboration with the population census commission chaired by the deputy prime minister.

The sites are selected and made ready during the last few months via work in close collaboration with other stakeholders and more than 29 thousand counters and 7 thousand supervisors are allocated to the sites. Maps of the sites are ready and pilot census schemes are undertaken in selected areas, he added.

This year’s population census program is scheduled to be backed by digital technology and is to be commenced at the same time in all areas of the country, he underscored.

The census outcome is expected to be very vital as an input for economic, social and other plans of the government other stakeholders in the coming years, he noted.

The population census scheme is to be undertaken based on the existing administrative structure of the country and awareness creation campaigns are planned to be undertaken before the census is commenced.