Ethiopia on the right track to overcome hunger: World Hunger President

Addis Ababa, 11 November 2014(WIC) – The President and Chief Executive Officer The  Hunger Project commended that Ethiopia is on the right track in fighting hunger.

In her exclusive interview with WIC, President and Chief Executive Officer Asa Skogstrom Feldt,  said Hunger Ethiopia project has been working on food security, access to potable water, empowering women, micro-credit scheme, combating HIV/AIDS and environmental protection since 2004.

Ethiopia is among the eight targeted countries in the project and it is doing its level best to achieve the plan set to overcome hunger and poverty by 2030 through sustainable economic growth.

“Appreciable and tangible results are recorded so far from Ethiopia side,  I believe,  Ethiopia will attain the United Nations Millennium Development  Goal just  before the schedule.”  Skogstrom emphasized.

Hunger Ethiopia Project has benefited 96 thousand people from 22 Kebeles so far, the President added.

Niguest Mekonen, Country Director Hunger Project, on her behalf said that  poverty is declining from year to year in Ethiopia   that  poverty  has now reduced to 24 per cent, which is  5.6  per cent  less than what it was three years ago.