Countries adopt Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAA) for sustainable development

Addis Ababa, July 16, 2015(WIC) – Countries participated in the third International Conference on Financing for Development has adopted Addis Ababa Action Agenda for sustainable development.

During the closing session of the conference, president of the General Assembly, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said Addis Ababa Action Agenda for sustainable development is agreed within four days of the conference targeted to promote sustainable development.

According to Hailemariam, this   week is the milestone for the development of the world in which the world waiting with great inspiration to say no one is behind  in development  aspects.

The four day conference resulted in offering the largest share of  official  development  assistance (ODA)  for the least  developing countries (LDCS) ,said the prime minister,  developed nations targeted to allocate  0.7 percents of the gross national income for  assistance in which  0.15 to 0.20 will be  for least developing countries.

The conference recognizes the essential role of the private sector towards catalyzing development, said the prime minister, strengthening the private –public integrated investment  can truly speed  up the  economic  growth of the developing  nations.

Ethiopia  has  a vision to become  middle income countries by 2025 said the prime minister,  fast  economic  growth of the nation together  with  rapid  growth  of the foreign  direct  investment with the strategy of carbon free emission green economy expected  to meet the targeted goal.

The 3rd International conference on financing for development has countless  collection of  ideas  from participants  in more than 200 side events, said the prime minister ,  the outstanding  work on various  principles will  resulted  in the near  future.

Representative of south Africa  on behalf of the G-77 and C hina ,said that  the group has spent many months to identify the critical obstacles  for eradication of  poverty, provision for capacity  building  and technology  transformations  work  are the constructive recommendations presented  for the agenda.

Fundamental principles to change the livelihoods of the people of  developing  nations were raised during  the discussions of the conference, said the representative, the partnerships  engagement  with the whole corners of the world can create  a  better world.

The  world bank , IMF and other   development banks  announced  to  donate  400 bln USD  for the achievement  of  sustainable development goals.