Authority completes Welqite-Arekete- Hossana road construction

Addis Ababa, 14 September, 2015(WIC)- Ethiopian road authority says it has completed up grading of the Welqite-Arkete-Hossana road construction project.

Communication Director with the Authority, Samson Wendiumu told WIC that the 126 kilometers long Welqite-Arkete-Hossana road project upgraded from gravel to asphalted road is constructed from the town of Welqite pass through Arekete town and end up in Hossana town.

According to Samson, the road project has constructed with over 1.3 bln birr cost with two project contract parts, the Welqite-Arekete first part conducted by CGGC company, while  the second part of the Arekete-Hossana is constructed by   Hawek International Finance and construction company.

The road project consultancy and supervision activities have been undertaken by the Chinese company named Compatran International and a local based company called Beza, Samson added.

The road project begun construction in October, 2012, said Samson, the total cost the construction covered by the loan of IDA International development association and Ethiopian government budget.

The completion of Welqite-Arkete-Hossana road project has a significant impact   to benefit the surrounding peoples through facilitating development, creating market linkages and social services.