More than 10 thousand investment projects to see green light in Tigray

Addis Ababa, 02 October, 2015(WIC) – Tigray region has planned to license more than 10 thousand investment projects during the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-2) period, regional Urban Development, Construction and Industry Bureau said.

Investment expansion division acting head with the Bureau, Leykun Birhanu, told WIC that the region has planned to license about 10, 580 investment projects with more than 6 billion birr capital in the coming five years.
As part of the effort to diminish the level of poverty and unemployment in the region, the investment projects are expected to create permanent jobs for about 33 thousand people and temporary job opportunities for about 173 thousand people, he noted.

The bureau has planned to closely supervise quality of the projects and support them with improved governance lawful administrative backing, he said. Especially, challenges related to services in land administration shall be given due emphasis, he added.

As all parts of the region are suitable for investment, the bureau has planned to promote more investment options in the stated period, Leykun said.
More than 4 thousand investment projects with registered capital of 60 thousand  birr are licensed in the region so far and these projects have created job opportunities for more than 900 thousand people, he reminded.