Corporation aspires to raise sugar production to 42 million quintals

Addis Ababa, 03 October, 2015(WIC) – Sugar Corporation says it has planned to increase the amount of sugar production per year to 42 million quintals during the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-II) period, Corporation director said.

In an exclusive interview with WIC, Shiferaw Jarso, said the corporation expects to increase the present amount of sugar production, which is 3.7 million quintals per annum, tenfold by completing construction of Kuraz, Beles, and Wolkait sugar factories and making them operational within the stated period.

The corporation had been developing sugar projects on 94 thousand hectare land so far and it has aimed to expand this development to an area of 325 thousand 324 hectares of land during the second GTP period, he noted.

Shiferaw said the sector is expected to generate about 1.3 billion USD via export of raw and purified sugar products to different countries at the end of the second GTP period.

During the completed GTP–I period, the sector has created job opportunities for more than 350 thousand people, he noted.