Office vows to stave off administrative manacles in housing development

Addis Ababa, November 27, 2015(WIC)– The Addis Ababa housing development and administration office said it shall give due emphasis to the task of staving off administrative shackles witnessed in the sector.

Deputy Head with the Office, Eyasu Markos, told WIC that the newly structured office has scheduled to face maladministration in 20/80, 10/90 condominium housing schemes and government houses.

Failure to transfer houses built under the 20/80 scheme, whose construction is completed long ago, on time is one of the features of maladministration in the office. Eyasu said his office is make efforts to transfer the houses to those registered under this scheme. “We have planned to transfer the entire houses this year,” he remarked.

He noted that there are abandoned government houses though the government has regulated for such houses to be transferred to those relocated due to developmental projects, the elderly and people with disabilities. The office has planned to fully fill this gap and transfer such houses to those who derserve, he underscored.

Eyasu said that the office is collecting important data and information that can enable to take legal measures on those who are responsible for illegal and corrupt practices during serving the public.

The housing development scheme is led by a board and it is expected to release new measures when ratified by the board, he noted. The Office is working widely on tailoring and adapting its new structure, he added.