Amhara people can greatly contribute for new Ethiopia formation: Corporate CEO

Some people who belittle the contribution of the Amhara people are wrong that the people  can greatly contribute for building the new Ethiopia and maintain its present shape, said Walta Media and Communication Corporate, CEO.

Corporate CEO, Teteka Bekele, made this remark while opening  the 37th founding anniversary of the Amhara National Democratic Movement (ANDM) and commemoration of the 12th Nations, Nationalities and People's Day.

He said that forces who believed that they could not benefit from the federal system has working against it for 27 years.

 There is an attitudinal gap within the people, which is against the reality that the Amhara and ANDM played a key role in the formation of the new Ethiopia. Celebrating its 37th anniversary shall create a better chance to understand ANDM, he added.

The Amhara people had made a bitter struggle to realize a country where the rights and equality of nations and nationalities is guaranteed.

He said that 37 individuals who first were organized under Ethiopian People Democratic Movement have evolved to ANDFM and struggled to the protection of the rights of people and equality of nations and nationalities.

According to Teteka, ANMD’s courage to defy the rules and reflect the people’s questions is a golden contribution.

 “Now, the people will share from the achievements with other nations,” he said.

ANDM office Head outside  Amhara region, Eshete Asfaw, on his part said that this year’s celebration is unique as homage is payed to people who died during the struggle and for those who are living.

He also said that AMDM is working to induce democratic nationalism among the 700 thousand university students.

Presenting a paper on federalism, Corporate senior leader, Wondosen  Gelaw , on his part said that the federal system has  enabled the people and government to cooperate and get their beneficence and participations ensured.

 The anniversay was attended by hundreds of staff members.