Ministry unveils preparations for colorful celebration of Demera

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has indicated that preparations are finalized to peacefully celebrate the Demera, a festival commemorating the finding of the true cross of Jesus’s crucifixion.

This festival, which is on Sep. 27, is already registered as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritages of Humanity, by the UNESCO.

Tariku Negash, Director of Communication Affairs at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, indicated that adequate preparation is made for the colorful and successful celebration of the festival.

Demera is known for gathering tourists from across the world every year in addition to the local attendees who gather from different corners of the capital.

Two year ago, 432, 687 tourists attended the celebration and last year alone 384, 615 tourists came to Ethiopia in connection with the festival, he said.

Ethiopia plans to generate $5.1 billion from tourism in 2019/20, according to Tariku.