
A Delegate Led By Prosperity Party Vice President Arrive in Russia

Addis Ababa, June 16, 2024 (Addis Walta) A delegate led Vice President of Prosperity Party (PP) and in the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Coordination Center for…

A Zeno.FM Station



DR Congo’s First Female PM Sworn in

Addis Ababa, June 13, 2024(Addis Walta) Judith Suminwa Tuluka was sworn in early Wednesday as the first female prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Before the…


UK Temporarily Halts Flower Export Tariffs

Addis Ababa, April 12, 2024(Addis Walta) In an official press statement released today, the government of the UK announced that it has temporarily removed export tariffs for cut flowers, to…


USAID Launches 5-Year, $8M Tuberculosis Flagship Project

Addis Ababa, June 12, 2024(Addis Walta) The United States government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Ethiopia), launched a five-year, $8 million (450 million Birr) flagship project…

Business News

Safaricom Ethiopia Plans to Invest 1.5 Billion USD

Addis Ababa, May 7, 2024(Addis Walta) Safaricom Ethiopia re­vealed a plan to invest 1.5 billion USD in building 5,000 new towers over three years to extend network infrastructure through­out the…

Science and Technology

The First Round Digital Financial Literacy Campaign Kicks Off in Addis

Addis Ababa, June 12, 2024(Addis Walta) The Ministry of Innovation and Technology has launched the first round of a digital financial literacy campaign in collaboration with the National Bank, the…


Significance of Inauguration of Central Cadres Training School of WPK

The inauguration ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on May 21. When he gave…

Current Issue

Current situation update

Addis Ababa, October 24, 2022 (Walta) – The ENDF has continued taking control of major urban centers in the past few days. The ENDF has succeeded in avoiding combat in…

