Ethiopia Shares Experience with Global Audience in Abu Dhabi

Addis Ababa, April 18, 2024(Addis Walta) On the second day of the 14th Session of the IRENA International Assembly in the UAE (Abu Dhabi), Dr. Habtamu Itefa presented Ethiopia’s experience and achievements related to renewable energy.

In his remarks and presentation, the minister emphasizes the commitment of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, and his leadership role in prioritizing renewable energy developments, mainly hydropower as a key tool and his strategic leadership to sustain the life of hydropower dam service life through a green legacy initiative that helped to accomplish planting of more than 32 billion of seedlings in the last 5 years. Dr. Habtamu also stated the successful accomplishment of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) with a power generation capacity of 5.1GW which has been constructed by the financial contribution of all Ethiopians.

The event aims to exchange knowledge and best practices on successful policies, technical solutions, and financial strategies, further tackling the need for policy reforms, planning integration for better grid connections, and partnership.