Inauguration Ceremony of Newly Built Central Cadres Training School of WPK Held with Splendor Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Important Speech and Cuts Inauguration Tape

Addis Ababa, May 22/2024 (Addis Walta) Directly initiated and wisely guided by the Central Committee of the great Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK, the highest institute for training Party cadres, was built in the time-honored Kumsusan area as a symbol of the absolute prestige of our Party and the invincibility of our cause to greet the day of inauguration.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un unfolded a far-reaching plan to renovate the “pedigree farm” for training the backbone of the Party concerning its future for the next 100 years, as required by the ever-changing times, and personally chose the construction site for the school. And he provided energetic guidance to make sure that its design comprehensively reflects the appearance and grade befitting a research centre that supports the work for organizationally and ideologically strengthening the Party and its leadership activities in an educational, practical and academic way.

Thanks to the vigorous efforts of the builders who upheld with matchless fighting strength and creation ability Kim Jong Un‘s noble intention to add glory to the cause of building the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party by building the political institution, which has made a great contribution to the long and glorious history of the Party building and struggle, into the world’s best educational base both in name and reality, the school was successfully completed as a model of the Juche-oriented architecture and education sector in a little more than one year after groundbreaking.

The school with a total floor space of over 133 000 square meters, built on an ideal site in terms of its political character as a “pedigree farm” for training the backbone of the WPK and educational environment, has administration section, cultural and sports section, living section and others built in a modern and practical way to suit its mission, function and purpose, equipped with advanced educational system and high-level educational conditions and environment.

The inauguration ceremony of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK took place with splendor on May 21.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, attended the inauguration ceremony.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made an important speech “Train Cadres of the Party in the New Era Who Are Faithful to the Ideal and Spirit of Its Founding” in commemoration of the inauguration ceremony.

Kim Jong Un in his speech expressed his excitement of greeting the moment of having the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK, which has glorious history and tradition, etched in history with its newer appearance suited to its position and weight. And he also expressed his satisfaction at the fact that with the successful completion of the work prepared with much care for years to add eternal glory and honor to the WPK, the world’s best school has taken on its majestic appearance as the “pedigree farm” for training the backbone of the Party and the research center ideologically and theoretically supporting the Party building and activities.

He said that the most urgent and important task at the present stage, for the long-term development of the Party building and in implementing the Party’s programme of struggle is to thoroughly establish and enhance the Party spirit, the revolutionary spirit and the people-oriented spirit among the cadres as the three essential qualities. Proceeding from the realistic requirements of the Party now at the crucial point of its qualitative consolidation, he set forth the slogan “Let Us Usher in a Great Heyday of Building up the Party in the New Era by Carrying Forward the Ideal and Spirit of Its Founding! “ and set it as the primary revolutionary task for the cadres to equip themselves with the ideals, faith and spirit of the first generation revolutionaries who accomplished the cause of the Party founding.

A letter of pledge to Kim Jong Un and the WPK from the teaching staff of the school was read out.

Kim Jong Un cut the inauguration tape.

The ceremony ended with the playing of the song “the Internationale”.

Kim Jong Un looked round the revolutionary museum.

A performance was given to mark the inauguration of the school.

As the performance was over, fireworks were let off and cheers of excitement burst forth again.

The inauguration of the school will be recorded in history as a new dynamic stride of progress for the eternal prosperity of the WPK, and as the new birth of a powerful strategic fortress reliably guaranteeing the brilliant succession and victory of the noble idea and sacred cause of the Party founding. -0-