It is Just a Paralysis of Analysis


By : Teferi Mekonnen

(Please Don’t flock a dead Horse)

Since the start of  reform in Ethiopia in 2018, the country has gone through the toughest time ever. It has been a subject of wild predictions. But it has repeatedly defied the predictions of its impending demise. In my view, the weak spot as well as the key to the success of the reform lies in what one might call the desire to “authoring ones destiny” —the designing of policy that mainly taking ones concrete circumstances while giving due attention to the larger regional and global conditions. However, this desire and stance of the reformist administration of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has dismayingly created vicious enmities that avidly decline every gesture of compromise.

This is in reaction, on my part, to the recent outrageous statement issued by the US state department. This statement clearly shows the unrestrained move of the US government that trampled all customary diplomatic norms and accepted international rules. The announcement seems to me to be as good as saying: “you are no more a sovereign state. Uncle Sam is the sovereign governor of the Land of Origin -Ethiopia.”

Of course, I don’t really understand, why the American government gets lost by every decision the Ethiopian Premier is taking? Why is it suffering such a serious loss of temper? But my instinct tells me that it is nothing but because the primer has refused to rent a policy that simply promotes the selfish interests of the Biden’s administration.

And I would like to say, “Hello Mr. Biden, don’t get us wrong; no matter how difficult the outcome of our decision may be, Ethiopia will definitely choose to tread on the path of freedom. The slogan of our forefathers was “Freedom or Death!” And we are morally bounded to pick up the slogan of our esteemed ancestors and face the challenges.”

This was in fact the massage that the administration of Abiy Ahmed had tried to pass a couple of months ago while attending a parliamentary session. Let it be clear to world; we the people of Ethiopia wanted our partners to keep their hands and cards on the table and respect our humble wish to be the author of our destiny.

In the last three year, we had fair-sized challenges as nation. Fortunately, this daunting course of events was culminated with the most notable event of our national election held on June 21, 2021. This process saw quite calm enfoldment of activities that unexpectedly transform the democratic disposition of Ethiopia. Sadly, those who claim to be Gurus of democracy have chosen to give a blind eye and a deaf ear to this remarkable accomplishment. They gave us a silent treatment.

It was this disgraceful attitude of the west that has prompted the premier to impart a piece of advice to his comrades. The advice reminds them that the ultimate judge of the Ethiopia’s public officials is Ethiopian people; not the media tycoons or international NGOs.

Verbatim he said, “What we mind the most is the outcry of our people, not the appraisal of foreign elements. We need to have a shift in this regard. Hereafter, we ought to focus on the cry of our people rather than that of foreign elements.”

This was a comment triggered by the attitude of the west who would like to condone the achievement Ethiopian people while exalting the egregious crimes of the incapacitated rebel group operating in Tigray region. They opt to denigrate everything the government has done to solve the problem in the region while sympathizing the terrorist “Junta.”

Let that be as it may. But, I would say that the west has made irreparable mistake by siding with the incapacitated terrorist. As the saying goes, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Indeed, after almost half a century , the group designated as terrorist by Ethiopian House of People’s Representatives “Tigray People’s Liberation Front” has again reduced itself to an empty and incapacitated rebel group.

As the PM has recently said to the members of the parliament, “TPLF” is repeating the same stupid mistakes again and again. This time around, it is engaging in self-tightening knot of problems in which the first one would inevitably aggravate the later.

This stubborn rebel group is a curse to Ethiopia in general and the Tigray people in particular; to whom it presents itself as redeemer. Of course, the TPLF ceased to exist in all but name. However, it deceivingly continues to assume a menacing posture in the eyes of the west, which opt to be blind to the fact on the ground.

The west, who is out to barrage the Ethiopian government will sooner or later unquestionably realize the mistake they made. Nonetheless, the Ethiopian government intends to meet its responsibilities with wisdom and generosity. There is every reason to believe that the Ethiopian government is fully alive to all its responsibilities.

It is pointless to focus on the name smearing campaign of the TPLF that has reduced itself to a rebel force with some semblance of intact armed force that can pose danger to the Ethiopian government. This insurgent group made no secret of its political ambitions; since they were not yet able to control of their domain, they had to bow before the west and await their opportunity.

A week ago, the question being asked, virtually everywhere, with alarming frequency was, “is the government’s decision to leave Tigray a wise decision?” Now, there is a general consensus about the wisdom of the decision. It is only the sympathizers of the incapacitated TPLF Junta who remained confused and flocking a dead horse. And the US administration is one of them. It is suffering from paralysis of analysis. We, Ethiopians stand tall as usual and say please mind your own business and give us a break.