Office Unveils ‘Megabit to Megabit’ Books

                                                     ‘Megabit to Megabit’ books

Addis Ababa, September 28, 2021 (Walta) – The Press Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister unveiled three volumes of the ‘Megabit to Megabit’ books which comprise the speeches and statements issued by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on various occasions.

The speeches and statements convey thoughts on national, regional, and international issues shared by the Prime Minister for three years.

According to Office of the Prime Minister, with a new government formation upon Ethiopia on October 4th, 2021 the speeches and statements of the Prime Minister compiled within the three Aprils since the transition of power in 2018 is aimed to historically document the various key government undertakings through the activities of the Prime Minister.