Ethiopians Go a Long Way to Realize Country’s Renaissance: PM

The nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia have gone a long way towards realizing the renaissance of the country and building a political community, Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said.

 The Premier told ENA and Hibre Biher magazine that the overall efforts of all Ethiopians in realizing the country's renaissance have started bearing fruit.

 He said the development endeavors carried out over the past 25 years and the achievements displayed that "we have gone a long way towards realizing the joint project that we started as the renaissance of Ethiopia through successful activities".

 The achievements made in the economic and political frontiers demonstrated that the long journey towards development is successful, he added.

 The Premier, who said that success has been registered in many areas, noted the existence of bottlenecks that would undermine the progress.

 He noted the existence of forces that are ready to snatch the wealth that the country has gained through tireless effort as a threat to the realization of the renaissance.

 The Premier explained that the public is struggling with this forces that are trying to reverse the development of the country, as a positive move.

 Even though there is a gap in properly mobilizing the public in the fight against anti-democratic practices – a challenge for the development of the country, Hailemariam said the nations and nationalities of Ethiopia have a good problem solving mechanisms.

 Noting that they have been solving problems and narrowing differences in the past, the Premier urged the need to consolidate this culture.

 “We have to accelerate our journey towards Ethiopia's renaissance by ensuring structural transformation and public participation through fighting anti-democratic practices and corruption, and rectify maladministration" he said.

 According to Hailemariam, the in-depth appraisal that has been conducted in various levels over the past year has brought changes in struggling anti-democratic practices, maladministration and corruption.

 A strong struggle that would enable to rectify wrong doings among the political leadership has come because of the appraisal, and the active engagement of the public have brought additional changes, he added.