360 Thousand Litter Fuel Delivered to Tigray

Addis Ababa, January 05, 2023 (Walta) – Ethiopian Fuel and Energy Authority (EFEA) announced that more than 360 thousand litter fuel is delivered to Tigray in a week.
The government set up a task force to facilitate the delivery operation.
Ethiopian Fuel and Energy Authority General Director, Sahrela Abdulahi, said that the task force is working to transport fuel from Djibouti directly to Tigray.
Since December 28, 2022, the authority gave licenses to fuel suppliers which managed to transport 360 thousand litter of fuel to the region in one week.
The authority is working to make fuel available across towns throughout the region.
It is said that the Gas stations such as NOC, Oil Libya, TAF and Total from Mekele to Zalambesa have already sent fuel delivery orders